• Did you know that on average the cost of licensing represents at least 50% of your overall monitoring costs?

  • Did you know that changes to the Newspaper Licensing Agency’s licensing regime, with the introduction of web content licensing, now provides you with a fantastic opportunity to legally reduce your licensing cost?

  • Did you know that it is not in the interests of your existing supplier to structure your service to take advantage of these changes for one very simple reason?

This is because it will cost them more money to implement the changes to your service which will save you money and they will not be able to charge you any extra for these costs.

At Press Data we take a very different view on structuring your service to minimise your liability to the NLA and other news publishers. Our goal is to maximise your content and distribution whilst reducing your costs for licensing, with fully compliant copyright solutions.

Each week we continue to save organisations across the UK thousands of pounds with our innovative and creative solutions to their monitoring services. Even if you are not a Press Data client we can still provide you with an audit and report for you to take to your existing supplier to help you save money. But beware - they may not be happy with what you ask them to do.

To find out more contact Jerry Ward

Jerry Ward:
"As a Director of the UK Media Monitoring Association and AMEC I have been involved in every round of licensing discussions with the NLA since 1996. I know how to structure your service in the most cost effective way to minimise your overall costs and ensure you stay fully compliant with the NLA"